Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Thoughts on getting started...

I'm tired of being addicted to junk food and sweets! But I'm not looking to get rid of them, I just want to find "healthier", more real versions of them.

For the next month or so, my goal is that any time I am craving some sort of snack, I can only have it if I make it completely from scratch. No packaged crackers, cookies, chips, dips, maybe even bread. We'll see how it goes and probably have to adjust as the month goes on.

I'm on the fence about adding bread to the list too. I do like making homemade bread. I suppose I might as well say that's what I'm doing and then if it's just not working out, go from there.

I want cut out everything just to try it. I'm just afraid of the commitment lol! But here are some (very random) thoughts.

Breakfast scares me a little. We usually just have cereal. But I've made English muffins lots of times before, I've tried making bagels a couple times, maybe this is an opportunity to get better at that. And I do love granola, so I can have that if I want cold cereal.

For lunches, we do sandwiches a lot. I'll have to see if I can get a good sandwich bread recipe.

Dinners I usually make from scratch but sometimes I use prepackaged side dishes. I might let that go depending on timing and everything. We do have to eat, and I've got 3 small children demanding lots of time and attention (how could they! haha)

Snacks are my biggest issue so that's where I'm really going to focus. I crave salty snacks so often (think cheez-its) and I obsess about food, just standing in the pantry and staring, wondering what to eat next. Something salty, then something sweet, and then back. Over and over.

I don't know how often I'll actually have time to come blog. Again, 3 small children, but I'd like to keep track of what I do. So we'll see. I'm going to start this weekend by trying to plan out a whole bunch of meals and snacks so I can make a grocery trip and stock up on good ingredients.

If anyone sees this and wants to join me, please do!! I'd love to see your ideas and hear what you make!

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